Heartfulness meditation


increased ability to concentrate,
better stress management,
better quality of sleep,
a strengthened immune system,
a clearer mind,
a better quality of life.

Heartfulness meditation is a simple method accessible to all whose regular practice brings you these qualities. It is part of an ancestral tradition that has proven itself, supported by scientific studies. Millions of people practice heart meditation in more than 130 countries contributing to the advent of a more peaceful and harmonious world. Like acquiring any other skill, meditation can be learned. Certified trainers accompany you: meditate with us! Heartfulness practices are offered FREE.

Discover the Heartfulnes meditation method

Meditate with us

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Do you want to discover our applications?

Let's meet in our meditation centers to share a moment of peace, joy and well-being!

In Brussels @The Library Group welcomes us all Sundays à 9h - Avenue de Broqueville 40 – Woluwe Saint Lambert.

More info for Huy, Namur, Thuin and Rixensart.

In a rich and stimulating dialogue, Kamlesh Patel answers questions from Joshua Pollock. In a very straightforward style, he explains what meditation is, why to meditate, and what makes “heart meditation” special.

Through its practical content, this book allows you to experience a simple and accessible method that has transformed the lives and consciousness of millions of people. Learn more...

To order the book

Heartfulness practices are accessible to all and offered FREE. However any donation will allow other people to discover and benefit from the benefits of the Heartfulness method.

You can join the team as a volunteer and donate your time.